The Brand Naming Team loves to use Latin words for a great company name. These new and modern company names are base on Latin or Greek roots. Check out this example and learn about the marketing opportunities.
Recently online, we saw a domain name sales company, which shall remain nameless, mocking the use of Greek and Latin words. They even mocked these new words if they were the basis of new great company names.
We couldn’t disagree with this company more.
Our experts believe that when you have a business name, one that’s at the heart of your company, it’s great to have that name is steeped in tradition and history. In fact, we believe it gives a great life or spirit to the company.

An entrepreneur should simply consider Nike, the shoe company as an example. However, we probably didn’t have to tell you that, this is a perfect example. Nike also known as the Winged Goddess of Victory is a spirit or personification for a company. One which has been built on providing speed and success through their product, their shoes in this case.
Nike represents strength, speed, and victory and what a perfect spirit for the company.
Latin and Greek words for Modern Company Names
This other domain company, the one that didn’t like the Greek or Latin idea, said that no one will know the meaning of the word. Our team believes, while everyone may not know the origin word, that doesn’t matter. We say even if your customers don’t know the Greek or Latin meaning, you and your employees will.
Let your company name be the spirit of your business. Let your company name be the personification of your business.
This said, having this historical root to your company name, can really open a great deal of opportunity for marketing. You can incorporate a God or Goddess or earth, fire or water, whatever the root may be.
Let history be your guide and be bold and never be afraid of looking to the past for inspiration for company names in the future!