Custom Company Naming

custom naming services for startups

Custom Brand Naming, Design and Trademark Services for Your Business

The Brandings® Team is proud to introduce a new Custom Company Naming service.  Although Brandings® has developed the largest global inventory of pre-developed brand, company and product names, we know a entrepreneur may want a very specific name.

With our Custom Company Naming service, you can put the Brandings® Naming Team to work exclusively for you.  Our etymologists, wordsmiths and naming gurus will develop a set of fresh, new, 100% unique company names specifically for your business.

Not every startup entrepreneur has tons of funding and we get that. Over the years we’ve also learned that some larger businesses need to rebrand for multiple reasons. Moreover, some business or brands are simply looking to expand under their a new umbrella business name. Keeping that in mind, our team has developed three distinct levels of custom company naming.

Below you’ll find the complete description of each level of service and a comparison between them below. Furthermore, below the custom naming descriptions, you’ll find a comprehensive description of the Custom Company Naming process.  Moreover, we’ve also listed the guidelines for the kinds of names we produce. By the same token, we layout the security and procedures that our team will adhere to.

Lastly, there’s an outline below of what you’ll receive and when you’ll receive it; below.

Custom Business Naming: 3 Great Custom Naming Packages

custom naming service for businesses
enterprise custom naming and visual plan
Brand Genesis package
smart start custom company naming

Custom Naming: The Kinds of Names We Develop

Brandings® will develop custom names for your new venture. We’ll build these business names in the same fashion as we do for our own company.  The naming team will explicitly adhere to the Brandings® company naming guideline to ensure the highest quality names.

We focus on developing new company or product names that are as follows:

  • Short in Length — generally fewer than 11 characters.
  • Easy to Spell — we stay away from unusual spellings, (unless it is strategically done for a specific project).
  • Easy to Pronounce — business names that sound right, your business name needs to be communicated from person to person.
  • Unforgettable — company names that stick in the mind of your customers.
  • Unique — distinctive business names that stand out from your competitors.
  • Hyphen-Free — hyphens will only confuse your audience.
  • Evocative — names that evoke a positive association with your core benefits and competitive advantage.
  • Exact Match Dot-Com Availability — the dot-com domain extension is the global choice for business.  Once our naming team completes your brand development project, you can register one or all the names on the list; it’s up to you.

With that said, if you have any question about the “type” of names that we develop, have a look at the available brand names already in our inventory.

Custom Company Naming - How We Name Startups

Developing the Custom Company Names

First: Comprehensive Naming Questionnaire

To start, you will receive the Brandings® Comprehensive Naming Questionnaire on which the naming process will be based.  Our proprietary questionnaire has been designed and developed specifically to get to the heart of your new venture.

As the new custom names are based on this questionnaire, it’s imperative that we get to the crux of your startup or product.  We need to learn everything we can as to develop the right name.  And to do this, we learn everything we can about your industry or marketplace, target market, goals, strategic objectives, competition, and much more.

This questionnaire serves as the basis of the name development for your specific project. Your answers on the questionnaire will provide our naming team with direction on the nature and scope of your project so, the more we learn, the better.

Important to Know: Security and Confidentiality

Security and confidentiality is, and will always be, of the upmost importance to us.

Any and all information provided to Brandings®, no matter in Questionnaire or in any other form, will not be shared.  Moreover, each member of the Name Development Team assigned to your project is required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement.  The agreement will be signed before sitting down for your project even before learning about what the team will be naming.

Should you have any questions or concerns about security or confidentiality, please reach out, we will answer all of your questions.

Next Step: The Naming Team

Once your questionnaire has been received by Brandings®, your specific project team will be pulled together.  This group of people will henceforth be referred to as your Naming Team.

Your Naming Team will be an internal assemblage, with various backgrounds and from different departments.  They will to go through your Custom Naming Questionnaire, discuss the pertinent information and related material.  Should the team need more information or clarification, generally this is the time they reach out.

After We’ve Collected the Info: Creativity and Development

After all the information, from all the different sources, has been discussed and digested, then the creative process begins.

Always with your Target Market and Market Demographics in mind, the Naming Team begins to develop insightful, standout and unique company name. Within a couple of business days you’ll receive your Custom Brand Name Recommendation Report.

After this brief description, you’ll find a detailed breakdown of the custom report.  This report is  officially known as the Custom Brand Name Recommendation Report.

Before we get into specifics, we need to stress that in your Custom Brand Name Report will contain a list of brand new names specifically built for you.  But also, this list will have already been screened for “exact-match” dot-com availability, at the time of creation.

Moreover, the custom company names on your list are NOT from our pre-developed inventory and can’t be found anywhere else on our site.  We DO NOT suggest names from our inventory as some other companies do.

These are brand new custom names built specifically for your venture.  Your Naming Team can pull names from our inventory if specified by you but, these names will not count against the number created.

The Brand Name Recommendation Report: In Detail

Also included in your Brand Name Recommendation Report are details on how we’ve gone about developing your list.  Specifically, it outlines the conceptual framework, methodology, illustrative themes, key messages, input elements, objectives and other foundational factors that guided us through your project.

Subsequently an explanation of our approach to your project is detailed.  This includes the tools and methodology that we used in the name development process.  We’re also now including our collective thought process in creating these specific name suggestions.

It’s our goal to be as transparent as possible. This will help you understand why we developed and recommended the set of names for your business and will make it easy to share our thoughts and ideas with other stake holders.

Directly bel0w you’ll find a detailed breakdown of the Custom Naming Report.  Here the report has been broken down into section as to aid in the understating of our methodology as well as what you’ll be receiving as part of the Custom Company Naming Package.

An In-Depth Look At Your Custom Naming Report:

getting to know your business for custom business naming

Your Naming Team
We give a detailed explanation how we approached your naming project.

knowing your custom brand naming team
understanding your business for brand naming

Strategic Focus

Your team spells out the input sources, requirements and objectives that guided your project.

Foundational Messaging & Your Polestar Core
With your input, we’ll craft a core communication message and word set that we feel capture the unique personality of your venture.

knowing your message your business name
conceptual framework behind business naming

Conceptual Framework
We’ll share the conceptual frame we employed in developing names for your project.

Brand Name Recommendations
Here is the list of powerful custom-crafted brand names specifically created just for your venture.

Brand Name Recommendations
how to evaluation and select the right startup name

Name Evaluation & Selection
We’ll share our insights on how to select the best name for your venture.

Synthesizing Your Feedback (Brand Genesis & Enterprise packages)
When you order our Brand Genesis or Enterprise Custom Naming packages, we’ll get input from you on our process and recommendations.

Synthesizing Your business naming Feedback
how to evaluate your business naming cluster

Naming Cluster Report
Your naming team will reconvene and develop a refined, fresh set of names clustered around your preferred Polestar Core word choices and evocation preferences.

Additional Recommendations & Collaboration
For our Enterprise Custom Naming clients, we’ll continue with additional rounds of input, collaboration and name development.

Our Naming Team will continue to work with you to refine recommendations until we’ve found the perfect name for your venture.

additional startup naming recommendations
business naming Trademark Screening

Trademark Screening & Domain Procurement (Enterprise package)
Our naming team will undertake preliminary trademark screening and domain name procurement.

Our Brand Identity & Logo Development Process

Understanding Custom Business naming

Understanding Your Business
Likewise with your brand name development, your brand identity project begins with an understanding of your internal and external environments.

Brand Name Recommendation Report
from concept to final business name

 From Concept to Final Brand Logo
With your input, we’ll craft a core communication message and word set that we feel capture the unique personality of your venture.

Brand Name Recommendation Report
selection the right color for your startup name


Color Selection
We’ll help you select the colors that most favorably communicate your core brand message.

Brand Name Recommendation Report
selecting the right typefont for your startup name

Typefont Selection
Our graphics team will prepare an artboard displaying your name in over 800 typestyles and fonts.

Brand Name Recommendation Report
selecting the right graphic image for my brand

Graphic Image Selection
If you would like to include a graphic image as part of your brand design, you’ll have access to over 10,000 icons and vector images to choose from.

Brand Name Recommendation Report
brand naming concepts

Brand Concepts
With your input, we’ll help you narrow your design concepts to your top choices.

Brand Name Recommendation Report
brand naming concepts for business naming

Design Refinements
The next stage of the process involves the fine-tuning of your preferred concept. Our graphics team will work with you to refine the concept to meet your exact specifications.

Brand Name Recommendation Report
final brand naming concept and design

Final Brand Design & Logo
When 100% satisfied with the revisions, fine-tuning, and the concept meets all positioning objectives, then we’ll prepare the final design.

You’ll receive your design in the files and formats for web, print and vector use.

Brand Name Recommendation Report
your custom startup naming concept board

Your Brand Concept Board & Design Palette
We’ll provide you a brand Concept Board & Design Palette that we developed for your project. We’ll outline the key elements of your brand identity on this document.

It’s on this Concept Board that you’ll find your color palette, corresponding RGB color codes, typefont, graphic elements, and core brand messages used during the creation of your brand logo.

Later, you can use this board as a reference for print, web, branding and collateral uses.  Always refer back to your Concept Board & Design Palette to help align your branding decisions with your company strategy.

Custom Naming: Get Started Now!

We have brand naming solutions for every budget. Select the company naming package that works best for your start-up.

If you have any questions, please call the Brandings® Brand Development Team today at 1-800-852-8900 (Toll Free USA) +1-310-246-5100 (Worldwide) or simply click here to contact our office via e-mail.

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