How to Name a Blog | Name a Blog | Naming a Blog

Naming a blog, be it for a business or personal, the name for your blog is extremely important. Learn more about how to name a blog in this article.

name for a blog

When you’re looking to start and name a blog, you have to think about it as naming a business; you have to connect with your audience from the first sight.  If you want your blog read by as many people as possible you have to not only reach your audience you have to entice them into reading. This is where the how to name a Blog article comes in.

In the past, specifically, Name for a Blog, we used the example of a 55 year old man, an astronomy and meteorology lover who named their blog “Rainbows and Unicorns. Blogspot. Com.”

We said that this would be great if you were a twelve year old girl. This is because your target audience, other meteorology and astrology lovers will not even stop to read because they would assume you were twelve.

Some Examples of Great Names for a Blog:

There was one thing about the above mentioned he may have done right.  While you might now from reading our website, the Brandings team always states that long descriptive company names should be avoided.

That said when you’re looking to name a blog it’s not always a bad; often people just bookmark the ones they like and don’t even look for them again.  Many people when searching for a particular blog now include the word “blogspot” into the search engine.

So, if you writing about your love of riding horses in Dallas a few options would be; “Dallas horse riders” or “Dallas horse girl. Blogspot.”  People will type into the search engine, “Dallas,” “horse riding” and “blogspot” and your will quite likely to come up.  Also, with so many people blogging a lot of the short names have been taken already.

2 thoughts on “How to Name a Blog | Name a Blog | Naming a Blog”

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    • What the Brandings Team loves about Johnny Depp is that he has really branded himself over the years. He has been know for taking on unusual characters and clothing, from time to time. This makes us wonder, what can we learn about branding your blog from Johnny Depp? Well it seams like quite a lot and it may be a great topic for another blog.

      In the end, branding give a clear identity to whatever it is that you looking to do, for example, branding your blog to cut through the clutter, branding you product so people choose it over another within the same line or branding yourself to standout from other actors. Check out this article and others like it about choosing the right name for your business or product (your blog can be both) and that’s truly the first step to branding.

      Thanks for your comment and please let us know about your blog, we’d love to read it.

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