The right product name can make the difference between success and failure. And, over the years the Brandings Team has developed a huge inventory of Product Naming Tips and Traps. With that said, our team is going to divulge some our most interesting examples that we’ve come across so, get ready.
The first tip seams obvious but, this mistake has happened to a number of huge companies culminating in disastrous results.
International Product Naming Trap
Learning what your product means in a foreign language may be as important as your product name ideas. Check out this product naming fail from a huge company!

Brandings could not have timed this any better! Recently we blogged, Learn What Your Name Means in a Foreign Country, and I think we’ll have to expand that to just learn what your name means in foreign languages.
Recently Target released a new shoe, here in the states, called the “orina.” According to Target they said the name is based on what they thought was a Russian translation for “peace” or “peaceful” but what they got was far different.
Target learned about a week ago that “orina” means “urine” in Spanish, not what they were expecting or looking for, that’s for sure.
If you want to read more click here to read the Huffington Post report.
This just goes back to the fact that you need to do everything you can to make sure you don’t make this mistake. We must also point out that even huge companies make this mistake.
Do you know of any funny product or company name mistakes?
Strong Tips for Naming Product
It’s surprising that such a mistake could happen to such a large company. Conversely, there are other businesses making great product name choices. A strong product name will cut through the clutter of a crouded marketplace and help your product stand out.
Building on this concept of strong company names, we want to tell you that finding a strong business or product name has never been easier. With two types of searches on Brandings you can get your business up and running quickly.
Strong Names for a Brand
Everyone needs a strong name for their product or brand but, where do you find one? With so many different options and startups claiming to have strong names, how do you find the one you’re looking for? The Brandings team has made finding a company name as easy as possible.
First, the Brandings Team only develops strong product or brand names. That means, every name on this site is strong, they by taking the guesswork out of the search.
Second, we’ve made finding a company name on Brandings quick and easy, so you can get to your available strong name quickly. We also know that different people search differently so we’ve developed several ways of going about your search.
For example, simply clicking on the “Category” list on the right hand side of this page. Moreover, our Product Naming Team has broken down our inventory into multiple categories. Further, we’ve broken down these categories into subcategories to get you to the strong product name that works best for you.
Lastly, we’ve developed a specific product or brand search. For example, if you’re looking to include a specific word or word fragment, you’ll use this search. You simply need to paste that specific word or fragment into the search bar, next hit “search” and you’re done. Every product name and brand name containing that word will be listed right there for you.
There are plenty of ways to find a strong business name at Brandings but if you need any help the Brandings Team is here to help.
Appreciate it for helping out, fantastic information.
Thanks for your comment we really try to bring the best info to people looking to develop the best names for their products. We also try to tell people the pitfalls that can occur when they do. A simple test to see what your product name means in a foreign language means can save you a lot of trouble.
Our research has shown that many people simply don’t even run their product name ideas through a search engine. Could you imagine? This simple but important step can save so much trouble down the road.
thanks for your comment and please let us know if we can help.
I was reading some of your posts on this site and I believe this internet site is real informative ! Keep posting .
Thanks for the comment. We really want to give people the most information possible so that when they’re ready they can develop or choose the best name for their new company.
That said, there’s a lot of work to be done if you’re going to make the right choice on your company name and one of them is to find out what your company name ideas mean in a foreign language or even other connotations that you just don’t see.
There may be nothing worse then to go through all the work of company naming, begin your company and than find out that your name means something bad or has another meaning you don’t want it to.
To find out more about how you can narrow down your business name ideas check out this article and be sure to check out our great names for a company on our home page. Thanks for the comment and please let us know if we can be any assistance for you!