With our decades of combined experience we’ve learned a lot about business naming ideas, tips and traps. With that in mind, our team thought we would dispel some of our wisdom. We thought we’d present our knowledge through experiences of traps that we’ve fallen into, tips we wish we would have received ourselves, ideas that we wish we would have taken.
Starting a new business is exciting and you’re full of important ideas. We know, we’ve been there before ourselves. In fact, our team has decades of combined experience running, operating, and naming companies and products.
You have an interesting concept and now you need ideas for your business name. Your brand name needs to be different, and set your business apart from your competitors. To help you succeed you’ll need a name as solid as your concept. The right name will aid in the launch of your startup with the greatest propensity success.
It’s All About Business Naming Ideas
Entrepreneurs launching a business or brand commonly say there are three main areas in which they need the most ideas. First most, entrepreneurs need ideas for their logo, followed by ideas for their website design feel.
Third and most importantly, entrepreneurs need great ideas for their company or brand name. Our Brand Development Team has written this article with exactly that in mind. This article will help you come up with name ideas for your business, brand, or company.
Here are our tried-and-true business naming tips to get you started on the right footing. We’ve included some of the traps that could really take your startup off course.
Business Tip: Your Brand Name is a Valuable Asset.
When you buy a brand name, your purchase will be one of the most valuable. So, when you buy a brand name you’re making a key investment. You’ll want to select a cool company name that has staying power and high value. And the best names are short, memorable, unique and positioned to retain value in the years to come.
Tip: Make Sure to Pick a Company Name That You Can Legally Use.
The greatest brand name is worthless if you can’t use it.
While you’re developing brand name ideas, it’s a good idea to check the availability of those names with the United States Patent and Trademark Office or USPTO for short. If at some point after launching your brand, you find out that the name you’re using has already been Trademarked you may have to rebrand.
Every entrepreneur should know what “Classification of Goods and Services” their business or product will be competing in. Remember, just because someone is using the same name as you, if they under a different classification, you can both be using the same name.
No matter how much time you’ve spent or money you’ve laid down with a Brand Development company, if you can’t use the name you can’t use the name. The Brandings Team always screens brand name ideas for usage before we recommend a name to a client, you should too.
Tip: Trending Technology Names. Consider a cool tech name that has heightened visibility and public interest. The coolest technology company names that have been trending through the Brandings network during the last 30 days Lyyric, Pyia, Smartetic, Numeryl, Mixry, Treading, NeoBod, Rivalty, Veriux, Oxcia, Podry, and Relaxings.
Does one of the cool technology names work your your tech startup?
Trap: Picking a Name That’s Not Your #1 Choice.
If you select a name that was your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th (or yikes) 6th or lower choice, you are sacrificing something. Keep in mind that your name is the keystone of your startup. Don’t sacrifice the success of your business on a second-tier company name.
Tip: Don’t Be Different, Be Outstanding.
Any company can choose a name that’s different. Your goal should be to select an uber-cool company name that stands head-and-shoulders above your competitors.
Trap: Don’t Use Hyphens or Dashes in Your Domain Name.
Hyphens or dashes, as some people call them, should never be used in your brands domain name. To begin with, your hyphenated domain is telling perspective clients that you couldn’t obtain the non-hyphened domain name. And, domains that contain hyphens are, in general, cheaper than no-hyphen domains, therefore you’re telling clients you haven’t paid much for your domain; and what’s the unintentional message you’re sending there?
Next, hyphens are incredibly difficult to communicate and you’re quite likely sending your clients to the wrong site, and hopefully it’s not your completion.
Consider how your existing clients would tell their family or friends about where to find you online. Does the hyphen go between the first and second word, or between the second and third word, or perhaps between each word? Any way you look at it, hyphens add an exponential amount of confusion.
Trap: Harmonize Your Company Name With Your Strategic Objectives.
Many startups fail to align their name with the key strategic objectives of their firms. A great name communicates a core message in a flash of a second.
You know why your business is better than your competition, be it faster, more up to date, more reliable, better customer service, so consider telling your target market that, right in your startup’s name.
Tip: Keep an Eye on Your Naming “Signal.”
A great brand name or business name will signal a message to your visitor. The signal could be that you’re a cool company, an innovative firm, a cutting-edge enterprise or a trusted leader in your industry. Look to root elements in a name that signal your core strategic message.
Tip: A Quality Domain Name is an Investment.
Just like stocks, bonds, real estate and precious metals, premium domain names are an investment. As is true with all investments, you’ll want to choose wisely. Look for the characteristics in a name that will stand the test of time.
We like to equate domain names to real estate in that there’s only so many waterfront properties.
Trap: Many Cheap Domain Names are Cheap for a Reason.
There’s a big difference between a cheap domain name and a discounted domain name. It’s nearly impossible to build a sustainable business around a cheap domain name. The marketplace is flooded with low quality domain names – all essentially worthless. Your key to success is to find a high quality domain at a discounted price. Now that’s a value!
Business Naming Trap – Naming Your Business for Today
As an entrepreneur, while you may be launching your startup today, you must think about that business in the future. With hard work and a little bit of luck, you’ll still be building that business for years to come. So, start planning with the right business name now.
When an entrepreneur is considering names for their startup, they need to be thinking ahead 5, 10, or even 20 years. Your business name shouldn’t just meet your positioning objectives on launch day but in the future as well.
Your name should keep should keep growth options open in the future. An overly specific or descriptive name may seem good now but, will it limit your offerings in the future.
Tip: Name vs. Brand
Your company name is the centerpiece of the brand you’ll be building. The right name coupled with your logo and other visual elements together with the goods/services you produce, serve to distinguish your company from your competitors.
Trap: Be Mindful of Global Translation.
If you’re doing business internationally, you’ll want a name that doesn’t have an offensive meaning in another language. The case of the Chevrolet Nova is a classic example of a naming blunder. In Spanish, the name translates to “doesn’t go.”
Trap: Only Use a Company Name Generator That Actually Creates Available Names.
While you might have seen or even tried one of the many Business Name Generators out there, our Generators are different in one significant way.
A lot of the Name Generators you’ll find online may have great algorithms and even may create cool company names but, that’s just not enough.
While lists of amazing startup names are interesting, they’re actually useless to an entrepreneur if they can’t use any of the names. You have to make sure the names you generate are 100% available and ready-to-use. Moreover, make sure you can obtain the exact match dot-com domain to go with it.
Don’t waste your time with other Startup Name Generators out there. You only want to generate names that you can actually use. And that’s exactly what the Startup Name Generators at Brandings do!
To learn more, and use a brand name generator that actually produces available company names follow the link: Company Name Generator.
Tip: Bold Names are the Only Choice for Your Tech Company.
Bold technology companies need innovative bold tech company names. However, a startup entrepreneur needs more than just a bold startup name. In addition to being bold your name needs to encapsulate the vision of your firm in a single or just couple of words.
Choose a name that reflects your startup. That means innovative tech company names, cutting-edge sounding tech names, intelligent sounding IT names or a bold tech name to tell people that you’re just that, innovative, bold and cutting edge.
Trap: Avoid Names That Try Too Hard.
Puns usually fall short as good company names. You want a name that’s clever – but not too clever. There is a fine line between engaging your audience and trying too hard. What you may think is witty may well turn off potential customers.
Tip: Check the History of Your Domain Name.
Let’s face it, we all have a history. When it comes to an entrepreneur that even goes the domain name where you want to build your online business.
Much like building a house, you need to build your website and business on a sound foundation. That means, not building the website for your startup, on a domain that has been flagged by search engines. It doesn’t matter if it’s for abuse, fraud or, let’s call it some other unseemly activity.
This previous domain history, no matter if it’s from you or not, can linger in cyberspace for a long, long time. In turn, this can greatly affect your new search results.
Surprisingly, the solution is quite easy.
Just enter the domain name into one the top search engines — Bing.com, Google.com, Ask.com, DuckDuckGo.com — and investigate the negative history, if any.
Trap: Avoid Including Too Many Members on Your Name Decision Team.
While it’s important to have a few key individuals on your name selection team to give insight and perspective on your naming options but, too many people may be a problem.
We have always suggested that a startup entrepreneur should seek naming input from a myriad of stakeholders. With that said however, resist the temptation to include every stakeholder onto the final decision team.
Innovative names are bound to rub some member the wrong way. With a large decision team, you are likely to end up with a lackluster, boring name choice. These dull names offended no one — but excited no one either.
Tip: Don’t Overpay for a Domain Name.
We hate to admit it but, our parents were right. Just a little bit or homework, or in this case, research can go a long way for any entrepreneur. In this case, some research or investigation can make a huge difference, to ensuring you get best value for your money with a domain name.
There are great resources out there, like DomainTools, DNWire and Domaining to help find out domain sales history, domain price trends and comparable domain name for sale. Do the work, search, shop and compare domains to make sure you’re getting the best bargain.
You’ve already done some research and found us. We’re also pretty confident that once you’ve done your homework, you won’t find a better value than at Brandings®!
Trap: Make Sure Your Name is Really Available.
Unfortunately, an all-too-common mistake that entrepreneurs make, is choosing a name that they can’t use.
Between, trademark issues, corporate registrations, global competition and the finite number of dot-com domain names that are available, naming your business has become even challenging than ever before.
Be sure that you check availability of your name choice before you launch your startup. Learn More About Available Names
- 5tvr$3,995.00
- 2eml$3,995.00
- 365Cor$3,995.00
- Smartetics$2,585.00
- Rysox$995.00
Tip: Created Creative Company Names Rock.
A “created” company name is one that’s been purely invented. These names are new, and are completely fabricated new words or a name. And, while these new created names won’t be found in the dictionary, they sure sound like they should or maybe will be at some point.
In the hands of the right creative team, (shameless plug coming) like the one here at Brandings, can transform simple letters into a beautiful new name or word.
Moreover, these newly created creative names can be designed to evoke specific emotions and/or feelings. For example, these names can be created to specifically to grab attention for your new startup. These names can be designed to sound futuristic, or even with a sense of history or longevity.
Created business names grab attention for a number of reasons. The first, is simply based on the fact that they don’t specifically mean anything. This unique feature makes people’s heads turn.
The second reason these names grab attention is because they’re incredibly flexible. This means, as your startup grows and expands, your created name will grow along with it. These names won’t be limiting in scope or even language.
Follow this link to see just some of the available, newly created, creative startup names.
Tip: Consider Picking a Top Trending Name.
Sometimes the “hot” and trending brand names, the ones that are getting a lot of attention, are trending for a reason.
Our tip is this, all new startup entrepreneurs should consider picking a business name that’s on-trend. Our experts make this suggestion because, these names are getting lots of interest, and that interest could go to your new business if you piggyback on those names.
Let’s just face it, sometimes we just don’t see something that others do. And, while entrepreneurs are experts in their field, they can’t be expected to be knowledgeable about all market fluctuations. Nor may they be up on whatever the huge social influencers are up to, at all times.
However, the team here at Brandings does. We can keep a broader eye on market movements and trends by watching “hot” or “on-trend” names and interest.
By picking a hot or on-trend name, you can launch your startup into this uptick or groundswell. Basically, you’ll be launching into this wave of interest, in the hope of grabbing some for your new startup business.
Check out the hot and/or on-trend business names here at Brandings.
Trap: Cut Once. Measure Twice.
Before you launch your new venture, ever entrepreneur will want to make sure that their well positioned for success. Slow down, temper your zeal and make sure to take the time to structure a “blueprint” for your new startup.
The time you spend planning at the very beginning of your startup could well mean the difference between success and failure.
Keeping that in mind our Startup Team has pulled together this great resource to help you start planning: Business Plan Template.
Tip: Choose an Exciting Name That Works for You.
Pick a company name that not only clearly defines your brand but, excites people.
Entrepreneurs need a business name that grabs attention and creates excitement. Excited people are more likely to check out your business and what you’re offering.
One of the best ways to create this kind of excitement is by having an exciting business name. The first introduction you’ll likely have to your potential customers is with your business name. That means, if you want to excite your customer, it’s here at your first introduction, with an exciting name.
People who find your name exciting, will ultimately want to learn more. They’ll want to know what your business does and/or sells.
While most entrepreneurs believe that their name is simply meant to represent their brand or company, their missing a great marketing opportunity.
Your brand name can be used as a marketing tool to excite your target market, generate interest in your new venture, and ultimately get people to buy your products or services.
Trap: Startup Myopia.
Startup entrepreneurs shouldn’t fall victim to what we call “Startup Myopia.” Don’t be myopic, or shortsighted, in scope when launching your startup.
Most members of our team are entrepreneurs themselves. And, we know from firsthand experience; how much it takes to get your business off the ground. There are a million decisions being made every day leading up to that initial launch and things can easily be overlooked. Don’t overlook the naming of your business.
With everything you have going on, don’t overlook the importance of your startup name. Too many entrepreneurs are simply concerned with the launch of their business, they overlook how important their name is. This in turn results with these entrepreneurs often in a rush to pick a name. With a lack of time, they too often pick a name that’s simply just “ok.”
Remember, you’re not just launching a startup but building a business for the future. That means, you must think 5, 10, even 20 years into the future. Your business name shouldn’t just meet your positioning objectives for today. The name you choose for your startup should keep growth options open in the future.
Business Naming Tip: Set Measurable Goals for Your Startup
Our Business Naming Team has a few mantras. And, the one that is most muttered is, “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.”
Without setting measurable goals, how will you know if your business is progressing? How will you know if you’re business is growing, or if it’s falling short?
For, you’ll want to have clearly defined goals for every functional area of your startup. From these goals you can set specific and measurable performance objectives.
Along with each one of these goals, set actions. For example, if you reach your distribution goal, give your employees a half day. Your team will work hard to help your startup meet that goal. If your team doesn’t hit that goal, set the action of reconsidering how you distribute your products.
Goals and actions need to be set before you launch your startup. Goals are like a roadmap for your startup, they’ll help you know where you’re going. Without them, it’s easy to get lost!
Tip: Invented Names Rock.
If you have a creative business, consider a created creative name for it.
When we say “created” startup name, we mean a name that’s purely invented, developed or created. Typically, these names were developed by a Brand Naming or Brand Development team. They’re developed simply to be creative and grab attention and stand out.
These created names are not dictionary words, and have no specific “meaning.” While these names have no meaning some are based on actual words or parts of actual words. Some of these names have a Greek or Latin root. For example, the “geo” in Kygeo, is based on the Greek for earth.
These names are strategically constructed, and can evoke powerful emotions. These emotions evoke, can in-turn then by associated or linked to your brand.
Furthermore, because these names are creative or developed and have no meaning, they’re easier to Trademark down the line. These names or word can become your property.
We think some of the most successful brand names are created brand names!
Trap: Fail to Plan.
Before you launch your new venture, you’ll want to make sure that you’re positioned for success. Temper your zeal and take the time to structure a “blueprint” for your new company. The time you spend planning at the very launch of your startup could well mean the difference between success and failure.
Here’s a great resource to help you plan: Business Plan Template.
Tip: A Quality Domain Name is an Investment.
Just like stocks, bonds, real estate and precious metals, a premium domain name is a worthy investment for any entrepreneur.
As is true with any investments, you’ll want to do your research and make a wise choice. Look for characteristics in the domains which will help them keep or increase their value over time.
Just like stocks, bonds, real estate and precious metals, a premium domain name is a worthy investment for any entrepreneur.
As is true with any investments, you’ll want to do your research and make a wise choice. Look for characteristics within your business domain ideas which may help them keep or increase their value over time.
For example, look for the domain to be dot-com, keep your eye on length of the name (shorter is better). Furthermore, how the domain is pronounced or sounds when spoken out loud. Other concepts to keep in mind, is if the name is interesting, if the domain can be used in foreign countries. Perhaps, most importantly if the domain will be limiting in scope in the future.
Trap: Many Cheap Domain Names are Cheap for a Reason.
Our experts have found, there’s a big difference between a cheap domain name and an inexpensive or undervalued domain name.
An entrepreneur fill find, it’s nearly impossible to build a sustainable business around a cheap domain name. The marketplace is flooded with low quality domain names – all essentially worthless. The key to success for any entrepreneur is to find a high-quality domain at a good or underrated price.
A cheep domain name is just that, cheep. However, there are plenty of domains on the market, where the owner simply doesn’t know or understand its value; this is what you’re looking for.
Finding an undervalued domain should be an entrepreneur’s goal. They’re out there, like diamonds in the rough. You just have to find the right one!
Look for value!
Tip: Power in a 5-Letter Invented Company Name.
There is tremendous strength in name length. More specifically, the shorter the business name, the better.
A short, clear and evocative company name should be the goal for every entrepreneur. But, why is this so?
The research is clear, the shorter the startup name, the easier it is to remember.
Short business names pack a powerful punch. Not only are short names easy to remember but, they also grab attention. At the end of the day, that’s exactly what company names are meant to do!
Check out some of the new five-letter, available business names which were developed by our team to see what we mean.
Business Naming Ideas Trap: Stay Away from “Copycat” Names.
We get it, you’re not a brand naming expert. However, you’re an expert in your field. With that said, you’ll need some help or brand naming inspiration for your new startup.
You’re well acquainted with your industry and you’re seen a few names within your marketplace there that you like. It seems only natural then, to create a new startup name based on those preexisting brands.
Afterall, they may have paid big bucks for someone to name their business for them. You think, you can just do something similar and save yourself some money, right?
Avoid this startup mistake!
New entrepreneurs are overly excited to launch their startup and get working. Unfortunately, they’re often not spending enough time on naming their brand or business.
These entrepreneurs simply look within their own industry for names that they like and base their own name them. It may seem like a quick and easy way to develop a decent name. Little do they know but, there are huge consequences to this naming mistake.
Our research and years of experience has found, that too often these “copycat” names don’t go on too success. In fact, too often just the opposite occurs.
Basing your brand name on other names within your industry, only leads to a bland name with no distinction. It’s exactly this type of copycat name that gets overlooked and lost within a jumble of the other similar names.
Moreover, customers get confused and become unsure of which brand they liked and which they didn’t. Not to mention the fact that you’re opening yourself up to Trademark Infringement. Two businesses with similar names operating within the same industry, is a recipe for a cease-and-desist letter.
This type of copycat name is a huge no-no, across every industry!
Tip: Make Sure to Pick a Company Name That You Can Actually Legally Use.
The greatest brand name is worthless if you can’t use legally it. One of the most important business naming ideas, tips or traps is, if you can’t legally use that name, that business name is useless.
When an entrepreneur is searching for or developing a brand name, it’s a good idea to check the availability of those names. Checking with the United States Patent and Trademark Office or USPTO for short, is a necessity.
There’s nothing worse than an entrepreneur launching a startup then getting that dreaded phone call. After launch, you find out that the name you’re using has already been Trademarked you may have to rebrand. Furthermore, every entrepreneur should know what “Classification of Goods and Services” their business or product is and the market in which they’ll be competing in.
However, keep in mind that just because someone is using the same name as you, if they under a different classification, you can both be using the same name.
No matter how much time you’ve spent or money you’ve laid down with a Brand Development company, if you can’t use the name, you can’t use the name.
The Brandings Team always screens brand name ideas for usage before we recommend a name to a client, you should too.
Tip: Choosing Your Dot-Com Domain.
Facebook owns Facebook.com. Sony owns Sony.com. Apple owns Apple.com. Google owns Google.com. Microsoft owns Microsoft.com.
Got it?
The Dot-Com domains are the business domain name extension to have. Like it or love it, it doesn’t matter it’s just the way it is.
Don’t launch your startup with anything other than the dot-com domain. Simply put, you’ll just be sending your customers to the wrong place. Worse yet, could possibly even be sending people to your competition.
Launching your startup on anything other than a dot-com domain, is a huge mistake. Even if you don’t see an issue at first, you will eventually. Furthermore, you’ll likely have to buy the domain later, buying that dot-com later could be a costly prospect!
Find the right dot-com domain name in the beginning. For more information, check out this new article on dot-com domains by our Team!
Trap: Failing to Ask for Help.
There’s a lot that goes into developing a solid business name.
For an entrepreneur to create a name that’s cool, catchy and really stands out, it’s difficult and may be too much. Let’s just say, there’s an arsenal of quantitative and qualitative tools that go into startup naming.
However, it’s important to know, you’re not alone. We advise that every entrepreneur speaks with an expert. Moreover, every entrepreneur should read as much as possible on business naming; there’s a lot of info available out there.
Lastly, we’re available. Give our Brand Development Team a call at 1-800-852-8900 or shoot us an email.
We’re here to help you find the “perfect-fit” name, domain and logo.
Tip: Pick a Logo That Fits.
The logo an entrepreneur chooses or designs for their new business is incredibly important.
Your logo design is of the upmost importance for corporate identity. Moreover, your logo will help your brand stand out from the completion.
In fact, the right design will set your entire brand identity and help you on the road to success. A cohesive logo and brand name combination, will help differentiate your business from others within a crowded marketplace.
Furthermore, your logo can be used as a marketing device itself. Your logo can even grab some much-needed attention for your new business at the time of your launch.
Every company name within the Brandings® catalog comes complete with an editable logo design. Our graphics team will work with you to develop a logo that perfectly fits your company personality. Our team will change the color, font, image or layout streamlining your logo to your brand mission.
Trap: Don’t Overlooking “Created” Names.
Too often, an entrepreneur will exclude a business name that has an exact relation to their business. While other times, they’ll pass over a name which doesn’t exactly describe their product or new brand.
Well, these entrepreneurs are missing out.
“Created” business names have been completely created by the Naming Team here at Brandings.
These names transcend description and can evoke a quality that is at the core of your company. Other times, they convey a feeling that can position your firm in the mind of your audience.
Research has also shown that overly descriptive business names or ones that literally describe your business or product can cause issues over time. A notable example, the International House of Pancakes changed its name to IHOP because they want to move away from just a breakfast business.
Don’t fall into the same trap and overlook a creative Created Name!
Tip: Don’t Just Take our Word for It.
While we may want to believe that we’re the “be-all and end-all” when it comes to Business Naming Ideas Tips and Traps but, as it turns out we’re not. We’d really recommend you check out our friends at Inc. Magazine.
There’s a somewhat recent article about business naming and what a good business name can do for you. Check it out.
The last of our Business Naming Ideas Tips Traps is that Brandings Makes Find the Perfect Name:
We’re here to help you find the perfect name for your business. We’re friendly so simply call the Brandings® Brand Development Team today. You can reach us at 1-800-852-8900 (Toll Free USA), +1-702-803-6111 (Worldwide) or simply drop us an email here.