Brand Name Logos & Logo Design Checklist

The Brandings Design Team has put together a design checklist specifically for entrepreneurs trying to get the right logo. Any startup entrepreneur can check their logo on this Brand Name Logo Design Checklist list.

Any entrepreneur currently doing business or launching a new startup needs to realize that their logo is really their first introduction to their target market.  Your business logo is likely to be the first introduction your customers have to your enterprise. Your logo is a visual introduction to your business, it’s your Vision Statement or Mission Statement. The adage states, you never get a second chance at making a first impression.

When working with a logo developer, there are a few things to keep in mind. It doesn’t matter if you’re designing your logo internally within your own business or reaching out, a few concepts remain true.

Your company logo must instantly convey the product or service your company is offering.  It needs to standout yet be immediately recognizable by the viewer sometimes from afar or moving at a rapid speed.  When we begin a project at Brandings we assign a Client Services Manager to any project. This manager serves as the liaison between clients and the professional design team and any other departments throughout the organization.

Your manager will work with you to discuss the goals of your company, products, and message you want to make so we can create the most powerful logo for you.  Your project manager will need to get a feel for your company and what you are looking to convey with this logo.  Some examples would include, if you are going for an edgier younger market, are you targeting mainly a female client or going for a more sophisticated educated market.

Brand Name Logos – Do You Know What Your Brand Needs?

We’ll work with you continually refining and polishing the Logo until its perfect. We’ll make sure that we develop the perfect image with consideration on how the logo will look on all your brand touch points –stationary, pens, shirts, trucks and even billboards.  We won’t rest until the image looks great at every point of customer contact.

Brand Name Logos Design Checklist

For the complete in-depth step-by-step process for how Brandings develops custom logos just follow the link. As always, if you have any questions let us know. We’d also love if you post some of your own thoughts below.

To start the complete brand package process at Brandings call the Client Service Team today. 1-800-852-8900 (international callers 1-310-246-5100) or simply click here to contact our office via e-mail.

Logo Design a Quick Checklist For Business Owners

Business owners, who are thinking about a redesign of their logo, or those who are thinking about getting a new one, need to make a quick check list for quality assurance. Since you are the one spending money here to improve your brand and extend your business, then it should be you to watch for the quality of the service you are getting. Exactly what you should watch for when you are getting a logo design?

Understand the Goal

The purpose of a logo design is to establish an image of your business, brand or product in an artistic, visually pleasant and articulate way. The goal is that when presented to an audience your logo design should be able to explain your business. An excellent logo explains a business, its values, mission statement and promise of higher standards of care and quality. So when you are getting a design you need to see if it fulfills these requirements. Does you logo design fulfills its purpose?

Good Looks

Your logo design should have a killer look. It should be easy on eyes and beautifully done. There must be some artistic value of it. People should enjoy looking at it and it should attract them like bees on honey. But it is a very subjective thing, for example if you like things in pink it does not mean that the entire world loves everything to be pink. When considering the elements of style, please do consider the sensitivities and tastes of your targeted market. For example if you manufacture of hammers, and construction tools, you may not want to use lilies and roses on your logo


It should clearly describe your business’s message. Instead of using phrases that involve a lot of guess work it should have something smart and intelligent to describe your business. This could be an illustration, a catchy phrase or just the setting of elements on the board. An articulate message does not mean something that rhymes. It means something that delivers the message and communicates with the viewers of that particular logo design. It is not necessary to have text in your logo design, the same goal can be achieved by simply adding a relevant illustration.

One of a Kind

It should be able to stand out of the crowd of other logos in the similar industry. For example if it is a logo of a bookstore then it should look uniquely different than the logos of your competitors. However, being different here does not mean that you add a chef’s hat, a fork and a dining table in your bookstore logo. It should look like a bookstore logo but with some creative new idea. Uniqueness of a logo design ensures that your logo is added to the memory of the potential customer. If the viewer of that logo is frequent to places similar to your business then your logo design should remind the viewer about your products or services and why they should go with you.

  • Claudia Winifred is a Brand Manager and also a content writer. She loves to write content for Logo Designs Companies. For more information: Article Source: EzineArticles – Claudia Winifred
Update By Our Logo Design Team

Our team has decided to review and update some of our older posts and possibly update them a little. After rereading this post, the Brandings Team still agrees and still believes in the validity of the Brand Name Logo Design Checklist. It’s true and the same stated factors of what goes into making a great logo still hold.

Experts in the design field agree that while the overall style of logos may change the essence is the same.

The Brandings Team believes that logos are like a first impression, you never get a second chance at making a first impression. Entrepreneurs need to put their best startup foot forward.  Knowing internally what you wish to convey about your startup and presenting that in your logo is a great first step. These actions can help achieve the result you are looking for.

Whether you choose to develop your logo design with us, internally or another company you should consider what your logo is designed to do. Your logo is the visual spirit of your internal Vision or your Mission Statement.

6 thoughts on “Brand Name Logos & Logo Design Checklist”

    • Hey, Thanks for the great complement we really put a lot of time and effort into developing these blog posts. We’ve also prepared a great article called Great Ideas on How to Create a Great Company Logo. This is a more in depth article on what goes into developing a perfect logo, enhancing your business name.

      I just noticed that you’re a you’re a plumbing company and we have quite a few business names for a plumbing company. If you’re in the marked for a new name, you’ll find some amazing names, sure to grab the attention of future clients.

      Just in case you were not aware of it, and sense you say you like our site, you should check us out on FaceBook and like us for great tips on business naming, logo design and traps to avoid.


    • Thank you for your comment. We love combining company names and logos for the perfect brand and we were hoping that we were able to communicate our passion for the subject. We feel that the perfect brand is the combination or the one, two punch to get your name into the minds of your potential customers.

      Thanks for your comment.

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