Recently the Brandings Brand Development Team visited the International Vision Expo in Las Vegas. We walked the isles, met the reps and now we’re ready to discuss the best eyewear brand names, we encountered while there. We love creative and stand out brand and product names. Keeping that in mind, our team was glad to discuss the Top Brand Names that we came across.
The Brandings Team is recently back from the International Vision Expo & Conference in Las Vegas. And, we wanted to share some of the Best Brand Names and Company Names that we’ve encountered there.
Before we share the top brand names, we’d like to start by saying that we’ve we learned a lot at this conference. First, there are a lot more sun glass companies, frame companies, glasses technology companies, and lens companies that we’ve never even heard of before. Second, there’s a lot that goes into helping people see better again. We must applaud all these wonderful people in their part for doing just that.
Our team found ourselves considering what it must be like, to be one of the millions and millions of people around the world who don’t have access to an Optometrist. Moreover, the money to buy the corrective lenses; we found ourselves very thankful.
Our Brand Development Team is very cognizant that sunglasses and frames, are visible to everyone. The moment you put on a pair of glasses and enter the greater public everyone sees them. The glasses which the wearer chooses are seen by every person they come in contact with. Think about it, they see your glasses at the office, home, the gym, and any random stranger they walk past in the street.

The Best Brands Know that Eyewear isn’t Just Eyewear:
To start, glasses are more visible than most of the other items we consider luxury goods. For example, consider man walking to work down a city street. Now think about what he’s wearing, are you able to see his watch? How about his Calvin Klein underwear, or shoes? How about his tie or shirt, or perhaps he’s wearing a jacket?
Next think, can’t see where he lives or how about the car he drives (once he’s out of it). Do you know where he vacations, or how nice his wallet is, probably now. But, what you can see is his glasses, right?
Whether we like it or not, whether we agree with the perceptions or not, people will judge you by what they can see. And one of the first things people see are your glasses.
Sunglasses and frames would be considered in marketing terms as a “visual luxury,” or something which everyone is able to see. Because glasses are a luxury item, every high end design company develops glasses, so you can insure there are huge Brand Development Agencies working hard to develop targeted business names for these companies, even developing the names for the frames themselves.
Below is a list, in no particular order, and avoiding well known fashion and glasses brands (Gucci, Ray-Ban, etc.).
Top Brand Names from the International Vision Expo & Conference 2016:
Zyloware Eyewear – known as an innovative frame company. We thought this is an innovating brand name that just sounds futuristic and interesting.
Luxottica Group – One of the largest high-end sunglass and frame manufacturer in the world. Our team loved how this brand name is a combination of “luxury” and maybe “exotic;” either way, this brand name sounds luxurious and exotic.
Miraflex – a great combination of “mira” or look in Spanish and “flex” or flexible. This is a perfectly fitting brand name for a company that prides itself on flexible, safe, and durable glasses, right?
RightEye – Is a “health technology company using eye tracking” and guessing from their brand name, helping people make their eyes right again.
We Love Eyes – A new and exciting eyelid hygiene cleansing system. Everything about this brand says young, fresh, and fun, starting with their name. They love what they do, and you know how we know that? Their brand name says it all, they love eyes!
WOOW – This frame company prides itself on being chick, off-beat, and trendy. We think their brand name really hits the mark. A side note with the brand design; we’re really glad they refrained from adding pupils “O’s” making them look like eyes.
Coté D’Azur – There’s a few places in the world that just evoke elegance, opulence, and beauty; Coté D’Azur is one of them. For a frame company that “offers elegant styling,” we think it’s a perfect brand name.
db4k – Combining an interesting business name with a fun logo makes for a perfect brand for a fun, and kid focused Eyewear Company; we think db4k really hit the mark.
Expanding on Brand Naming:
While this blog may seam specific to the best eyewear brand names, everyone can learn from them. These are great brand names that we came across at an eyewear show but, many could be used across multiple industries. If you’re looking to develop a brand name learn from the best ones here.
The brand names that we chose as part of our favorites were able to express personality. The personality of the business or product, or even evoke a feeling in us (fun, elegance, trendy). No matter what your business is, your brand name should represent you, and stand out in a crowded market place as these names did. These name even reflected the personality of the eyewear wearer, and that’s brilliant.
So congratulations to brands that we’ve named Best Brand Names at Vision Expo & Conference 2016! You’ve won absolutely nothing but our praise and knowledge that you’re brand name not only caught our eye in a crowded room but your brand name perfectly fit the essence and products in which you build or sell.