The Brandings Brand Naming Team started our own competition, we call the Super Bowl Team Names Challenge. This year the challenge is between the Ravens or the 49ers. Which has the better company name and team brand, you decide?
With the Super Bowl freshly in our minds we thought we would play a Super Bowl of our own. The challenge this year is between the 49ers vs Raven. Our team here has to decide, which team has the most successful team name or brand.
When you look at it, a team name is really just a product or company name. If you expand that thought out, a team name is a brand.
With all of that said, let’s look at the two teams.
49ers vs. The Ravens, who has the better Super Bowl Team Name / Company Name?
First we have the San Francisco 49rs. The term Forty Nines is a reference to the 1849 California Gold Rush. The term 49ers is then a reference to the year, the gold rush began and people began flooding into California. These miners were looking to make their fortune in gold. Half of the mostly men came flooding into California rom the East. These hopeful millionaires arrived and literally walked to Sutter’s Mill. This is where the gold was originally discovered. However, the other half came by ship from around the world; pouring into San Francisco harbor.
Second team is the Baltimore Ravens. The Ravens got their team name in 1996 after a naming contest. The contest was launched when the Cleveland Browns moved and need a new name. The origin of the Raven’s name comes from an 1845 Edger Allen Poe poem. This dark poem has a man tortured and pushed into insanity by a black raven. This Raven constantly badgered this man, eventually driving him into madness.
Now that we know where the names come from and where they originated, which one of these teams has the best name? Moreover, has the best brand name?
Personally, when I think of gold miners, I usually think of long bearded old men in overalls and a gold pan. Perhaps, someone who talks with a whistle and lives in a shack. Sure no one doubts that a gold miner’s life is difficult. And, you have to be a strong and tough individual to live in the wilderness and pan for gold but, I think it’s an odd choice.
Who has the better Company Name?
That said, the Ravens as a company name is not without its problems. Edger Allen Poe only lived in Baltimore for one year, yes it was his last year, but that’s a good stretch, to claim the poet as your own. But looking at the bird, which as has always had an association with evil, I think it’s a much more successful, name, brand and logo.
Ravens have an air of mystery about them, maybe evil and I would think that that’s the point. They’re menacing looking and seem like a smart animal.
In the Company Naming Super Bowl, like the actual Super Bowl, the Ravens are going to have to take it. If you’re interested in what we think makes a really good Football Related business name just follow the link.
If you think we’re wrong, please, we’re open to suggestions and would love to hear which team has the best company name or brand name.
Thanks for reading.