When you’re an entrepreneur starting a business, you get a lot of advice. Some of the advice is good and some, well, just isn’t. Our Brand Development Team has one tip for you and don’t start a business without it.

What Your Business Can’t Start Without
You can start a business without an expensive website however, you cant start a business without a great name. Moreover, you should be able to obtain the exact matching domain name to that business name.
Recently Entrepreneur Magazine, published an article entitled “When Starting Up, These Things Can Wait” and one of the “Can Wait” items is a high end website.
Our team couldn’t agree more. When an entrepreneur is first launching a startup or product they don’t need an incredibly complicated or really robust website. However, you CAN NOT start your business or product with out a corresponding domain name!
When you’re starting your business a simple website is just fine. Entrepreneur says that a simple OSCommerce site is just fine, we even think that a wordpress site with your info is just fine. Something where you can keep people up to date with what’s going on with your site or business.
Don’t worry about a fancy web presents in the beginning. Focus on getting the best name for your startup and make sure you get the matching domain. A simple site in the beginning is fine and build it out later.
- To read the original Entrepreneur Magazine article, click here, and please let us know if you have any horror stories about starting a business without a domain name, we’d love to know, leave us a message below.