Adding a tagline to your logo can create unity between your company name and your actual business. If you have an invented or created company name a tagline can clear up any confusion or disconnect your potential customers may. Moreover, entrepreneurs can use a tagline my garner interest in your business.
Anyone that knows us or blogs, knows that we love brandable or business names without any specific meaning. However, often we get asked, “how will people ever know what our business does, if the name doesn’t mean anything.” This is exactly where taglines come in. Using company your company logo and tag lines in conjunction, or together in unison, can give your name the identity you need. Tell everyone what you’re about with a tagline.
So you want to communicate your company’s purpose, goals and products and you think a great logo won’t do it all for you; try a tagline. Everyday we are blasted with hundreds of taglines like “Just Do It” for Nike, or McDonald’s “I’m Loving it” even “Maybe it’s Maybelline.”
A tagline has to be something short, catchy and descriptive, something a client or potential client with think of at the point of purchase. For instance if you have a technology company you might want something like “Pushing us to the next century,” that tagline says forward thinking like a tech company should or a tire store “rolling out the savings,” that tagline hits at a clients sense of value and savings while inferring the wheel.
So think about it, what is it that you’re trying to say, think about a how it can resonate with the client and put a little showmanship into it!
Be careful though, adding the wrong tagline to your logo can actually hurt your business. With that in mind, have a look at this article from Inc. Magazine 20 Epic Fails in Global Branding. Here you’ll see some huge companies that misjudged their tagline or their new tagline translated into something they didn’t mean it too! It’s well worth the read, and it’s good for a laugh.
Using Logo Design and taglines to Create Unity
By Stephen Grisham, Sr.
Building up the recognition of your brand is key to establishing your business and drawing in more customers. A better brand design helps customers understand what is unique about your products and services in comparison to your competitors and helps gain the trust and loyalty of customers.
As a small business owner, you may feel like you have spent a sufficient amount of time putting together your business, as well as providing a good product and good services. It is important to focus on your corporate identity now. What we mean by corporate identity is a collection of several factors that, brought together as a whole, shape the identity that the public sees.
It is what causes customers and clients, as well as associates and competitors, to view your business in the way they do. Corporate identity can seem like an overwhelming and complex process, but there are many basic steps that you can follow to help build the right corporate identity. Creating a logo design for your business is the first and most important step towards being successful.
You want the logo design for your business to look smart, professional, eye catching, and unforgettable. The logo design should be firm and should promote your business in a positive light. It needs to be memorable so that people remember your business. In addition, it is critical for your corporate identity to be unique but still easily understood.
Another way for your business to get noticed is known as the tagline. Examples of taglines include the Nike tagline or slogan of “Just Do It” or the McDonald’s tagline “I’m loving’ it.” Frequently the tagline goes hand-in-hand with your logo design thereby communicating a more powerful message that people are sure to read and remember.
It should also be noted here that your logo design and your lines should both utilize a similar style. For instance, if you have a more formal and authoritative logo design, you probably would not want to use a phrase such as ‘I’m loving’ it’ as your tagline.
What is the best way to decide on a line that works for your business? Making the proper tagline is a difficult process that requires a great deal of creativity. Deciding on a logo design may help when figuring out how you would like the business to be perceived. A tagline has to be a short, sweet, and to the point message that takes a great deal of thought to come up with.
Something that works well and is simple. Your tagline should be something that reflects the uniqueness of your business, and it should promise a higher level of quality and services. This will make it much easier for your customers and potential customers to get an idea of your business identity. Good taglines are brief, to the point, and frequently utilize language used by the average person.
Your business can develop a level of brand recognition that is the envy of your competitors if you have a good lines and a quality logo design.
- Stephen Grisham, Sr. is a copy writer for InfoServe Media, LLC. If you are looking for a Houston web site designer, look no further.
Please be advised, your tagline sticks with you through good and bad. If you choose a tagline and something goes wrong with your company, it may come back to haunt you. First, think of Toyota – Moving Forward (even if you don’t want to), next (Financial Group) Abbey – Turning Banking on it’s head or finally my favorite, Capital One – What’s in your wallet (not much anymore thank you!).
Updated Thoughts on Logo and Tagline Unity
Update – “Toyota, Moving Forward (even if you don’t want too)” that one still makes up laugh. But seriously, if you have been reading this blog or you are familiar with our website, you’ll know that we love brandable domain names. These are the names that have no really meaning to them. One thing we’ve always said about the brandable domain names is that they are waiting for someone to put their business, company or products stamp on the name to give it meaning.
That said, this is the perfect reason for a tagline. For example, Zidum is one of our brandable domain names and it has not meaning or intrinsic value to it. Now you can add a great tagline to it like “Intelligent Solutions” and you now have an amazing company name. “Zidum, Intelligent Solutions” sounds pretty good right? This is a great way of giving meaning to a brandable domain name.
These two ideas, brandable domain names and logos fit together perfectly in combination. The addition of these two ideas, to get something greater then their individual parts!
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We love company taglines. We feel that a great tagline can enhance a great company name and make it spectacular. Think of Nike, now think of Nike, Just Do It. Just Do It became the symbol of the company alone.
Brandings has so many different brandable or multi industry domain names and company names and people always ask us how anyone would know what their company does, if they use one of these names. We always tell them that all they need to do is add a tagline. This way you keep your company name short and the domain name short but you can tell the world who you are and what you do.