Best Names for a Building or Residential Development

The Brand Development Team loves naming buildings or residential developments.  The name on your building or on the development in which you live is so incredibly important. 

real estate and construction

Why, you may ask? 

It’s because you live there, you have to see that name every single day.  The name of a building or development is also important because it sets the tone of the building or development.

The best part of real estate development, construction, and being a builder is that you have something tangible.  You’ll be able to show your effort, something to show your kids, and grand kids and be proud of.  In many cases you can be sure of your legacy in concrete and iron, for many generations to come.

Along with the actual building that stands and lasts for generation so too does the name of the building.  There’s no doubt Freedom Tower will hold its name forever or Marina City in Chicago will be known as such in perpetuity.

If you’re interested in the names for a construction company which the Brandings Team has developed follow the link.  We’ve been naming construction companies for quite a few years and an industry we feel quite comfortable in. 

There has a lot of development and building in the last few years.  With that in mind, the Brandings Brand Development Team has decided to collect and present the best names for a buildings and developments.  These are names that we’ve actually have come across.  These are buildings or construction sites we’ve walked past, names we’ve come across in papers or heck, maybe we’ll even include some historical examples.  This way we can see if they’ve lasted the test of time or what went wrong.

Best Names for a Building or Residential Development

With that all said, we’ll present the name, explain why they work (or don’t maybe) and what you should keep in mind if you’re naming a building or development of your own.

Best Names for a Building or Residential Development

We want this forum to be interactive so, if you’ have come across any great building names of your own, questionable development names, or even want to run some building name ideas that you’re considering by us and our readers, please let us know by posting it below.

Short, simple, easy to remember, what’s not to like about this residential building name.  Particularly because the new project is 71 floors, high into the sky as it were but also because of the added adage of “aim for the sky,” or something to work hard for or work for.

We also love how the building name Sky is combined with a sleek and simple logo and, we’re pretty sure this is intentional, the back of the “K” is accentuated referencing or indicating the huge height of the building.

What are you impressions of this one?

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