One of the greatest mistakes an entrepreneur can make when launching a product, is not targeting your product name to your target market. You must know your audience when you’re naming your product or company to have the maximum effect. The Brandings Brand Development Team has put together some insights on exactly how one product did just that!
You’ve heard us state that targeting your product name to your target market. However, you may still have questions about what a targeted product name can do. Our team has pulled together an example of this very concept.

Real men don’t eat yogurt.
There, I said it.
Well, get ready for men to start eating yogurt. The health benefits of yogurt are clear however, these benefits have become more mainstream. To get more men to gain these benefits, the yogurt industry is specifically targeting men to eat more yogurt.
The yogurt industry has been using attractive men like John Stamos to get women to eat yogurt. Now however, we have a new yogurt product called Power Yogurt specifically designed for men. Everything about this product has been specifically targeted to men.
Targeting your Product Name
First let’s start with the product name, Power Yogurt. Power makes this product sound strong and masculine. Men want to think they are eating something that makes them strong and virile or makes them powerful. Grocery items like spinach using images like Popeye and strength, what could be more masculine?
Not only is the product name targeted to their audience but everything about the product is. The package is red and black, colors focused on men, the logo has a bull on it, the graphics are strong and bold all designed for men. It’s be designed so that men don’t feel embarrassed is someone sees them eating yogurt or that men won’t feel squeamish about buying it at the store.
Recently we went to the website and the product has been described as “man sized” and it states that “leading sports nutritionists” recommend the product. Well of course they do, any nutritionist would recommend yogurt but if you have a sports nutritionists say it, then men will think they’re like one of their sports heroes.
I can almost guarantee that this product is going to be a big hit among men. We love this name and whoever created it was worth every dollar.
If you would like to read an article about a company name specifically designed to target men, please follow the link and if you have any questions or comments please let us know by posting it below.