Presidential Logos, How Effective Are They?

No matter who you’re voting for, we’re about to be bombarded with presidential logos but, which ones are the most effective and do they work?

Update: We just wanted to update everyone on the ever-changing political situation in relations to logos and website’s design. It recently seams that the presidential candidates are going the way of the single letter.  Think “O” for Obama and “W” for George W Bush.  It is believed that Bobby Jindal is going to go with “J.”

It seems that even our Presidential Candidates are looking for something catchy.  You need a logo that’s going to stand out in a crowded market place.  Now it’s particularly importantly that’s going to look good as a Mobile App.

do presidential logos really work

There was a recent article on just this subject.  You can see more insights from logo professionals in this great article from the Washington Times. Keep your eye out for more exciting presidential logos and even their website are getting spruced up.

It seems to us, the nominees are no way short on funds.  In turn, they’ll be hiring the biggest PR teams in the world just to help them get their message across.

Oh, if you see a logo or tagline you’d like us to discuss, please post it below!

Examples of Short Names and Logos:

Presidential Logos How Effective are They?

It neither matters whom you plan on voting for, nor does it matter which party you belong new presidential logos are popping up everywhere.  We must say, some are just better than others. Chances are, we’re going to see more and more presidential hopefuls toss their hats in the ring and that means more presidential logos.

So that got us talking around the office, exactly how important is a logo for a presidential campaign?

Logo’s aren’t meant just to only look good, they’re intended to convey a message.  Furthermore, they’re to stir something a reaction you audience, in particular your target market.  Your logo should represent your brand, company or even a presidential hopeful. When representing people, your logo becomes almost a flag, a standard or family crest.  For example a Knight, Queen or President would send their flag into towns so that people would know that they are coming.

Well it seems that we weren’t the only ones standing by the water cooler discussing presidential contenders and their logos because NPR recently ran a story where they sat down with graphic designer Armin Vit to discuss just that.

Check out what they had to say about presidential logos (follow the link) and you can check out some of the current and past presidential logos below!

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