Investment Company Names

There are many different types of Investment Companies and depending on whether you’re naming a Management Investment company, looking to name a Face Amount Certificate Company, even naming a Unit Investment Trust business you need a business or product name that represent the kind of company you are and the kind of customers or institutions that you represent.

There are times when one may want to consider a business or product name that sounds older and more established then one actually is; and when you’re investing people’s money, may just be one of those times. There’s a reason so many investment companies choose names of Presidents and it’s not just because they’ve been around forever, it’s just that they want it to seem that way!

With that said, just because you have a name that sounds established, safe and secure, that does not mean your name should to be boring or stodgy.

Below you’ll find names specifically designed by the Brandings Brand Development Team for an Investment company or Investment Based Program. All names have been screened for use within the Investment / Financial Industry, tested for availability of the exact-match dot-com domain name and a completely customizable logo to best fit your target market.

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