

The company name is available for sale at The business name package includes the Cynched domain name and logo design.

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Cynched Brand Name Rating & Assessment:

Brand Name: Cynched

Domain Name(s) Included:

Company Name Etymology, Origin & Evocation: Company name created and acquired by Brandings® in-house name development team. Company name is the variation in spelling of cinch meaning a “firm grip” or “sure thing.”

General Audience Appeal and Use Potential of Company Name: Events & Parties, Gen Y Brands, Fitness & Wellness, Insurance Health, Pain Management, Self Help, Multi-Purpose Brands, Banking, Credit Cards, Investing, Loans & Mortgages, Retirement, Home Improvement, Real Estate, IT Service, Air Travel, Cruises, Destinations, Lodging, Transportation, Travel Agents/Tourism, Travel Guides, Vacation Rentals.

Developmental Value: Good (Brand has application in industry with good monetized value and potential.)

Length of Business Name: Excellent (Company name is 7 characters in length. Short company names have significant value.)

TLD (Top Level Domain) Value: Excellent (dot-com TLD, highest market value)

Market Value and Potential of Company Name: Good (Unique, positive appeal, good recall value, meaningful, simple.)

Expandability: Very Good (Expandable to multiple industries and markets. Solid global application.)

Visual Design: Excellent

Linguistic Value: Exceptional (This company name is easy-to-read, easy-to spell, is composed of English characters and has a cool cadence.)

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What Makes This Name Cool:

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